One Month

I have one month left in Australia.  This time next month I will be on a plane nearing LAX - my first time on American soil in over five months.  It's hard to believe, but at the same time I know that I have quite a bit between me and 1 August - not least of which is work; I have no doubt it will fly by though.
Now that I have returned from Canberra (which was, again, fantastic), I have one trip left in Australia - Amanda and I are off to Melbourne in three weeks.  Beyond that, I have a few things left to get to in Sydney.

This week I'm doing dinner with Tiffany at some point before she flies out of the country, and hope to catch up with Amanda, Kylie, and Candice - the house is quiet now that Kayla and Abs have returned home, so I will be looking for diversions outside the house to keep me occupied.

I endeavour to finish getting Uluru photos up this week so that I can start getting Canberra pictures up - nothing like a bit of a photo backlog to keep me occupied.

The trip back to Sydney went by very fast.  I slept for about two hours and then typed up the other blog posts (I hope I didn't ruin the mystery - I don't actually get to write everything at the time I date them!).  The trip only took about three hours and fifteen minutes  (even with a drop off at the aiport on the way in) - much quicker than the four hours down.

Bed time - work in the morning.


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