
Weekend trips are great, until you get back home at 11:30 on a Sunday night and have to get stuff ready for the work week!
Kylie and Candice picked us up at the airport and took me back home.  It was a fantastic reunion (not that we hadn't seen each other on Thursday or anything), but because on Friday night they got engaged!  Both Amanda and I had known it was going to happen for some time now, and we were on edge on Friday night as we got texted updates throughout the evening.  We couldn't have been happier (or more excited) when we finally got the update Candice had popped the question while we were at our Japanese dinner.  The ring (which admittedly, we had already seen) is beautiful, and now I have a very good excuse to return to Australia in the foreseeable future - a wedding!
When I got home I put some laundry on (fingers crossed, the last load I will do in this house - I hate the washer!) and attempted to tidy things up and prepare some food for work today.  I got to bed around 1:00, knowing I could wake up a bit later than normal as I had an errand to run before work, and I had told Tony I would be in a bit late.

I got up this morning and hung my laundry out (an activity I will not miss). As soon as I hung the last thing it started to drizzle, but the sun soon came out - I had high hopes my clothes would actually dry.  I left the house to run my errand and then headed off to work, getting there around 10:00.  Work was good today (not such a big change, day to day :) ) - I spent part of the afternoon at Martin Place taking photos. The next few days will be spent stitch together all of the pictures to make an elevation of both sides of the four blocks of the pedestrian mall.

Before we knew it, it was past 5:00, and everyone packed up to head out.  I struck off and was a bit unhappy to encounter rain (thought I was prepared - I had my umbrella) as I left Town Hall House.  As I made my way down George the sky cleared up, and I continued on to Broadway to buy something.  Unfortunately, it was raining pretty hard when I came out of the mall, and the ten minute walk home was a bit of a slog. It has been raining ever since, and I have no hopes of having dry clothes any time soon at this rate.  Out of everything in the US, I am most excited to see a dryer!
I've spent the better part of the night getting the other blog posts ready, and with this I am all caught up again.  Now all I have to do is label pictures from last week and Melbourne and things will be all set; that might not be done until I am back stateside.

A treat of the day, Cindy had gotten me a 'caramel snow' from Darrell Lea.  I had it this evening and it was out of this world.
Caramel snow - a caramel bar with chocolate drizzled over it.
My trip to Melbourne was the last of my adventures in Australia this go-around.  With it, I have now been to five states and territories of the eight that make up Australia (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania), 62.5%.  I counted up the states (and DC) that I have been to in the US, and it turns out to be 32 of 51 for a total of 62.7%.  So statistically, I have seen the same proportion of Australia as I have the US!  That being said, the states here are much, much bigger, and I have really only visited one location in each (with the exception of NSW and QLD), but it is still hard to believe just how much I have gotten to in five months!

Alas, things are really coming to a close, and I have to start packing as I move in less than a week!


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