Hannah's Room

I'm currently sitting at Hannah's desk (which was my desk three hours ago), in Hannah's room (which was my room three hours ago) as she gets things settled in. Now it is quite real that I am leaving.
Hannah's occupation of room 3.
I was awoken this morning around 10:00 when someone from housing came into the house attempting to figure out where 'Hannah and Michael are'. I had read my housing contract last night, and knew I didn't have to move out until midday, so I yelled down that I was in bed and that Hannah (who was in class) would be coming by the housing office at 11:00. With that, the housing people left and I got out of bed and finished packing up my last few things.

Hannah and I met at housing a little past 11:00 and went upstairs; the housing people knew who we were right away - we've dealt with them a lot in the last five months. Sitting on a chair surrounded by suitcases was Devon (as we were introduced), the guy moving into our house to replace me. I gave my key to the housing lady who gave it to Hannah, Hannah handed her key to the housing lady who gave it to Devon - efficiency at its finest. Then Hannah and I rushed back to the house to move her into my room before Devon could finish the paperwork and come to move in. In less than ten minutes we moved all of her stuff to my room, getting the last load when Devon began to open the front door - we could not have had more perfect timing.

Devon, it turns out, is from Nashville and is a sophomore at Duke. We chatted a bit with Hannah before she went off to class and I gave away Devon some of the things that I bought down here and couldn't take back (hangers, etc.) - it made me feel better to give them to someone who is in my position than throwing them away.

I needed to run a few errands around campus, and Devon needed to find the banks, so I took him off for a bit of a tour.  We wandered around campus, took care of errands, and went by the Nicholson Museum to see an exhibit that just opened – a lego model of the Coliseum.

After making our way around campus, I pointed Devon toward Broadway to go shopping, and I returned to the house to have my last meal here.

My last meal at the house, leftover fried rice and a Bundaberg Grapefruit.
I finished off the last of my food (I estimate amounts pretty well), and whipped up some peanut butter fudge for the office tomorrow (I had chocolate, sugar, peanut butter, and butter left over).  Now I am just killing some time as Hannah is getting ready to go to class and then work.   Devon should be back soon, so I am sure we will chat a bit, and Abs should be returning from class in a bit.  I should clear out of here around 5:00 when Kylie comes by after work.


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