127 in 127

I have just discovered with some of my double posts from travelling that the number of posts I have made on here has once again matched up with the number of days I have been down here - 127.  I will endeavour to leave here with at least 157 posts for the 157 days I will spend down in Australia.
Work this morning flew by as I had a few things to get done.  Around 11:30 the floor gathered to partake in a few homemade cakes and other goodies to mark the departure of a co-worker to a new job.  There were tons of goodies, and we all seemed to eat ourselves to the brink of diabetic coma.  By the time I left work at 5:30 there was still food left.

Desserts that survived the first round of grazing.
In the afternoon I got the chance to look over plans of a new building by a very famous architect, which was pretty neat.  The rest of the day was occupied doing various projects; things got busy later in the day and I ended up sticking around until past 5:30.

I was supposed to meet Tiffany for dinner at 6:00, but found myself waiting for a bus at 5:45; I knew I would be late.  I decided to just grab the next bus toward Central and then transfer at Railway Square in an attempt to save time.  It seemed to work out okay, as I caught an L29 (limited stop) at Railway Square.  While it ended up passing up my stop, the trip was overall much faster, and the walk back one stop from the limited stop was not bad at all; I was there by 6:10.

We ate at Urban Bites, a block from my house, where we ate lunch 126 days ago when we had first met up after we both got into town.  It seemed appropriate to come full circle, not to mention that Hannah works there now, so we got to see her.  We enjoyed a great dinner, a steak sandwich with wedges accompanied by the seemingly requisite chilli aioli and sour cream.
A pretty big dinner.
Tiffany came back to hang out for a bit.  Other than that I have been labeling Uluru pictures; they are almost done and I should have the entire album up by tomorrow night so that I can start in on Canberra.  For those of you that need the link, I will email that out when the pictures are all up.


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