
Hannah just came by the house after spending the weekend with her family (who is in Sydney for the weekend).  Once her family had left she came up to my room to discover disarray.  Jason and I always like to give mom a hard time for telling us our rooms often 'looked like a bomb went off' when we were younger.  I think she was always a bit prone to hyperbole myself, but I can assure you that at the moment, with the combination of packing, sorting, and a tiny room, it really does look like a bomb went off.  I promised her I would pack while she went to the store for me to get a few ingredients for tonight (I am making a big thing of red beans and rice)...

Last night we had a few quiet drinks at the Bank (it was just Candice, Kylie, Rick, and me) before walking next door to Sushi Train for diner.  After, we walked back to their place and watched 'The Departed' before calling it a night.  Not a bad way to spend my last Saturday.

If you didn't guess, we didn't end up doing breakfast as I am a bit overwhelmed what I need to do in the next few hours.  I planned on sending the majority of my stuff to 'the house' after the goodbye party that we are having at my house tonight.  Tomorrow I have to run errands, return my key, etc. 

I suppose I should stop blogging about the problem and actually get around to doing something about it.


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