Urban Designer

I am an Urban Designer for the City of Sydney.  Really. I'm pretty stoked.

Today (well, yesterday) was my first day in my new capacity with the City, my first day at a real job where my title isn't 'Intern.'  I stayed up late last night talking to Jenna and Greg which was really nice!  I hadn't talked to them since I left the US, and finally got to bed around 2:00.  I was up at 7:45 for work, and caught the bus into town.  Even though I learned months ago that taking the bus in the morning was a horrible idea, I did it anyways.  Let's just say I needed a bit of a reminder as to why I never take the bus; that reminder came in the form of horrible, horrible traffic near Railway Square.  It literally took longer to get to work by bus than by foot.  Never again.

Work was great today.  I got asked to look at a design problem that some people were stuck on, the configuration of a light rail terminal in a park.  I won't take too much credit, I think they just needed a fresh set of eyes, but let's just say things can now move forward.

I think I will be back to doing some field work tomorrow, the weather has been nice since I got back from Uluru.

In other exciting news, all photos from Jason and Rebecca's visit are now up in the album on facebook (except the reef pictures, which I promise I will get up tomorrow).  I will send out the link to those of you who do not have facebook.

Now it is time for bed.


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