Post 100

This is the 100th post on my blog, covering 108 days of my time in Australia (if I had noticed back on 4 June when 100 days rolled by I would have pointed it out...). Congratulations to you for making it through the past 99 posts. :)

First, an update on the stew I made last night; as with when I cook in New Orleans, I made way more food than I intended to.

Stew on the stove.
Stew in the bowl.
Good news is that it turned out really well, and I was able to freeze a few containers of it for consumption later when I am more crunched for time.

This morning I headed out in the drizzle (still raining...) to the architecture school to scan the photos that we took at the reef so that I could send them to Jason and Rebecca.  I am having to do quite a bit of editing as they didn't turn out too well from scanning, plus I had to scan three at a time. Hopefully those will be done soon and make their way to facebook.

At around 10:50 I trekked downtown into the office to get things squared away so I can start work next week.  At this point the only thing left to do is a physical which I scheduled for tomorrow.  Barring them finding my physically unfit to work, I shall be full-time starting next week.

After sorting things at work, I headed across the street to Woolies to get Tim Tams (and mint slices) that were on special.  I have begun to stockpile for my return to the states - more than a few people have requested them to be brought back.

When I got back to campus I submitted my intern paper.  Now all that I have left is a reflection on my review (which shouldn't take but a few minutes to sort out) and an exam on 27 of June.

This afternoon I spent on the phone with Jetstar and Virgin (two airlines).  I have been dealing with Jetstar regarding a trip I am booking to Melbourne - I am attempting to use the vouchers we got when our Cairns flight was cancelled, but they were being quite difficult.  After dealing with three people, I think things have been sorted out and I hope to soon have the tickets booked for one last trip in July.

I called Virgin today to change my return flight to the US.  With everything sorted out for my job, I have officially changed my departure to 1 August!

Tonight I am off to Sal's for pizza and to watch some American tv (Community) that she has... Tomorrow is set to be a pretty full-on day, not to mention I still need to pack!


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