Finally My Desk.

I arrived in Australia four months ago this morning; in four days I will have exactly a month left. Hard to believe I have been here that long, but on the other hand, time flies.

My walk into work this morning was a bit wet with a light drizzle coming down, but between my rain jacket and brelly (as they would call an umbrella down here) I arrived to Town Hall no worse for the weather.

I have now begun to have brekky at work as it saves time getting ready in the morning, and it is also a nice treat once I finish my walk and am settling into my desk with my morning tea.  I have crumpets and also now have a box of cereal at my desk (though that will be for next week) - I'm starting to feel like I've actually moved into my space (after four months at the desk, I should hope so!). This morning I had a crumpet with a tiny bit of cane sugar sprikled on the bumpy side and then but in the sandwhich press (though with the lid set propped up to heat the top side without touching it), creating a light syrup which sunk through the pores of the crumpet and complimented nicely the crunchy outside and soft inside.

Sugar crumpet with tea for brekky.
I immediatly launched in on a project I had been working on yesterday (getting my phone set up) and was happy with how easy IT was able to get things up and running.  I now feel a bit more official (and again, more like the desk is mine) as I now have my phone and voicemail all sorted out.

My phone console.
At around noon Tiffany texted me to say she was in the lobby with Abs and Hannah (they all came downtown to meet me for lunch). I went down and we headed off to the Galleries (two blocks away, but connected to Town Hall Square through the passages from the train station) to go to Madame Nhu, a Vietnamese place which was highly recommended by many a coworker (and where many coworkers get lunch each day and bring it back upstairs).  Lunch was good (I had pho) and we all had a nice chat and caught up as we all hadn't been together since Tiffany's birthday.

Once I got back to work I continued on the project I have been helping Cindy with for the rest of the day.  I left about 4:45 to head home and begin my studying of my exam tomorrow.  The rain had let up, and the walk wasn't bad, though it never got above 14 today.  On the walk back I stopped by the architecture school and picked up my models and drawings which had been graded.

For dinner tonight I made lamb in some spicy breadcrumbs to fill fajitas with that I had leftover from last night.  They turned out quite well, and I made quick work of consuming my dinner before returning to my room and getting back to studying.

Dinner of seared lamb fajitas.
So, when I say studying those who know me well are aware that I really mean procrastinating.  That being said, I have sorted out what my topic will be (we have a rough idea of the questions), and know the background information that I need to know.  I think the hardest thing will be to remeber that I need to be using Australian spelling and punctuation - things like colonisation and industrialisation are spelt with 's', not 'z', etc.

And in worldly news, so far, the NHC has forecasted Debby to go every direction, and so far she hasn't moved at all... Within thirty minutes it has flipped back and forth between east across Florida and then turning south, heading straight north through Georgia, and now is supposedly going to go east and turn north toward the Carolinas.  Good luck Florida, south Georgia, and the rest of the southeastern seaboard.  Hope you are enjoying the rain Rochelle, because it doesn't look like it's going to stop (though remember the night of my birthday when Joseph let us play in the rain once the kiddies had been put to bed - you should do it in celebration of your birthday!).

Off to do a bit more studying and then sleep.


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