Arriving Soon
Just finished up brekkie of sweet onion quiche with chicken
apple sausage, grilled asparagus and tomato accompanied by pineapple,
grapefruit, and honeydew washed down with some orange juice and a pot of
English breakfast tea with cream and sugar (welcome back to the
The screen says we will be landing in ten minutes, though I suspect closer to a half hour judging by the fact that breakfast dishes are still out and I don’t yet see land, nor have we begun to descend.
The screen says we will be landing in ten minutes, though I suspect closer to a half hour judging by the fact that breakfast dishes are still out and I don’t yet see land, nor have we begun to descend.
Watched the last few Parks
and Recreation episodes they had and have been listening to Fun. through
brekkie. My arrival card is all filled
out and I am going to pack up my computer after my breakfast dishes are picked
up (the tray table makes it hard to get to my backpack under the seat).
Uneventful flight with just a bit of turbulence
a few hours back.
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