A Presenter

Back at my hotel after a very busy day filled with architecture and architectural history.

Landing in Brisbane.

After landing in Brizzy I headed to catch the Airtrain to Central Station.  From there I made the ten minute walk to my hotel just as morning peak hour was winding down.  I planned to drop my bag and head across the river to the State Library, but, to my surprise, the hotel had a room ready for me.  I went ahead and checked in and took my stuff upstairs before heading out to the other side of the Brisbane River and into the library.

Catching the train from the airport.
Things kicked off at 10:00 with the head of the conference introducing the topic and presenting her current working paper.  At 11:00 we recessed for morning tea on the veranda.  We launched into the first session with two presenters up before I had my 20 minute go of things.  Following me there was one more presenter before the four of us sat down and took questions as a panel.  It was a bit strange to be on the presenting side of things.  Following our panel we recessed for lunch back out on the veranda – assorted sandwiches and a huge fruit platter (we are in Queensland, after all).  I had some nice conversations, met some interesting people, and relished in the fact that things went well.

After lunch we repeated the process, breaking for afternoon tea around 3:30 (including delicious sweet egg-roll things). 

Tea time on the veranda of the SLQ.

The final set of presentations lasted until 6:00, and after wrapping up, a contingent of ten of us headed out to dinner at a great place called Libertine.
Crossing the Kurilpa Bridge on the way to dinner.
We had a great time, sharing a wide array of small plates and chatting.  We finally broke up around 9:30, and I made the quick trip back to my hotel.

The Southbank arts district from the Victoria Street Bridge.
Time for bed now – it has been a long day.


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