Trig and Trains

I am sitting in studio getting some work done - a shocking departure from the rather sedate last four weeks, I know.

Work was as it has been of late.  I ended up using some trigonometry to calculate some angles, which I honestly haven't done in years.  It was comforting that I knew what I needed to find to determine the answer, though it is also just as comforting to know that the explanation of how to do it exactly is readily available online.  I took a brief journey in the afternoon two stops from Town Hall to Kings Cross to take a few pictures that had gone missing since last week.  I was only gone about 20 minutes or so including travel time - I shocked the person that sits next to me when I arrived back at my desk ("did you leave?").  I said something along the lines of "the transit here is effective and efficient."  She retorted something akin to "that is the first time I have ever heard either of those words used in conjunction with our transit system."  My determination - people don't realize how good they have it as regards transit.  I saw the phenomenon in Europe and I see it here too...  While there is always room for improvement, the bones of the system are commendable.

Looking toward the CBD from near Kings Cross in Potts Point.
I had a quick dinner when I got home from work and then came into studio to meet with a group from my studio and our professor.  I think I will head home and munch on some of the leftover birthday cake from Abs' birthday and finish up this assignment.

The updates have somehow gotten a bit less exciting - I promise to have some more adventures soon!  Tomorrow marks a month over here according to my cell phone plan which expires tomorrow (that being said I don't know what month only has 27 days... Oh Vodafone?).  Guess I need to go find a Vodafone store to recharge my plan.


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