A Successful First Day Back

I realize I keep starting these posts with things like “settling in after a long day” at hours well before my normal bed time.  But for some reason (it might be due to the fact that all day long I am running around doing things) I am wiped by 10:00 or 11:00 each night!

Tonight, after I had settled into Max and Millie’s house, Millie got home from work and the two of us went up to the high street in the area (I have no idea what the street is actually called, and can’t be bothered to look it up) to grab a drink before Max got in from the airport (he had been in Melbourne all week for work). Max met us at a tapas restaurant, and we had a good time catching up and eating lots of interesting little things.

I’m all rugged up (again, this is Australia with no heating or air conditioning) and ready for sleep – bring it on, birthday!


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