A Day In

Getting ready for bed after a relaxing day back in Sydney.

Last night after getting home from the airport (a quick cab ride after arriving just before 9:00) I turned on the tv and sat around waiting for Kylie and Candice to get home.  I had the exit row to stretch out during the uneventful flight and had slept a bit, but nodded in and out once back, watching nothing in particular on tv.  The two arrived home around 3:00 to find me asleep on the couch.  After our hellos we all went off to bed and didn't wake up until midday.  It seems we all had long weeks.

We were meant to picnic today, but instead I went down the street to the bakery (with a stop at the kebab shop) to buy lunch for a lounging around day.  We watched a few episodes of a show, Carnivàle, a show from the early 2000s that only made it two seasons despite a massive amount of Emmy nominations (15) and wins (5).  It was pretty enjoyable, and before we knew it it had grown dark outside.

Candice and I went to the market to get ingredients for nachos for dinner.  We returned and we set to work in the kitchen.  I had been hoping to watch the Wallabies vs. Lions in game three, but it turned out it wasn't on any of the channels we got.  Instead we watched Django Unchained - wasn't bad... wasn't great.  It worked out for the best as the Wallabies were walloped, losing by an obscene 20-something points.

After a dessert of fruit, we watched a few more episodes of Carnivàle before calling it a night.


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