Working for the Weekend

It's mid-term break!  It took quite a bit of work to get to this point, but I am happy to now have almost two weeks off.

Yesterday was full-on with studio from 9:00-5:00 and two submissions left to make for assignments.  The day started off with a lecture about the form of Japanese cities - pretty interesting, if not a bit rambling.  From there, we headed to studio at about 10:30 to split into groups to critique and revise the master plan for the ATP in preparation for delving into the big project for the semester.  While the task was being explained, the professors also announced whose work from the first project was selected for an exhibition down in the Rocks in downtown Sydney.  I am happy to report that mine was among the 16 submissions which will be going up for the opening on Friday, 13 April.  Unfortunately, I will be in New Zealand for the opening, but they will stay up long enough to let me get down there to see it.

With that good news, we headed off into four groups to begin work.  It was a long morning and afternoon of coordination, debate and analysis, but ultimately the final result which I got to present from the group turned out pretty well.  During lunch break, I met up with Tiffany and we went to a sausage sizzle sponsored by the Jewish society to get our bread intake before Passover.  We had a nice time, the weather was lovely, and we got to chat to a girl about where to (possibly) find matzo.

As I was discussing my break plans with studio friends, they mentioned that all store would be closed on Friday for Good Friday.  Apparently it is a really big deal here, odd considering how non-religious society is here.  Armed with that information, after studio I met up with Tiffany and we went over to Coles to shop for the Seder.  The store was absolutely mobbed with everyone shopping for Easter, and it took a long while to find ingredients for the Seder, or come up with substitutes, as we could not find everything.  When we asked about matzo, in every way imaginable, we didn't get a very promising response, but determined we wended our way down all the aisles in search.  As I was negotiating around three carts on aisle six in the back of the store, I happened to catch a glimpse of Hebrew out of the corner of my eye - so much for not having a "Jewish" section.  It was limited to one shelf, and after scouring I found two boxes of matzo.  I grabbed them both and rejoiced at my good fortune (sorry to any other Jews trying to find matzo at the Broadway Coles).

I made my way back to my house through the clogged sidewalks and traffic with everyone getting ready for the weekend.  I dropped the groceries off and caught the bus to Amanda's for dinner (her sister was visiting from Canberra).  It was a good group of people, and we had a great time.

I will be heading over to Candice and Kylie's house soon to start cooking for dinner tonight.  I have compiled a 15-minute Seder and will be attempting a partially gluten-free, partially vegan, Kosher for Passover meal... This should be interesting.

Phrase of the day 1: sausage sizzle
Usage: a cookout involving sausages (I don't think they do hot dogs down here), bread (usually just white bread which you wrap around the sausage - this one was the first time I saw buns down here, and they were more akin to hoagies), tomato sauce (pronounced toe-mah-toe - the only thing they call ketchup is the Heinz brand which is imported and therefore uses the American word), and barbecue sauce.


  1. Congrats on getting picked for the exhibition! Also, I'm jealous that your mid-term break is two weeks. Our mid-term break is one day. -.-'

  2. Thanks. Nah, it's just a week! Just playing hookie for a bit :P


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