Two Months

Today marked my return to class after a three week hiatus brought on by the Easter holiday and my subsequent extension of said holiday upon my return from New Zealand.  Studio is technically scheduled to begin at 9:00, but I am fortunate that architects don't really like sitting around for that long, so the time is subject to the whim of the professors.  Time was set for 10:00 today, but by the time the professors wandered in to chat with our individual groups it was at least 10:30.  I met with my professor to go through some design stuff and begin the process of working and reworking the design for my building that will take up the rest of the semester.

Between working, meeting with my professor, and chatting with some of the other people in my studio, the morning flew by.  I met Tiffany at 12:30 to grab some lunch and take a bit of a break in the nice weather before returning to studio for an afternoon of one minute presentations by every student in studio (55 of us or so between the four studio groups).  I have to say, I was quite impressed that we kept the affair under two hours!  The presentation was short, sweet, and to the point.  I was sitting in the back of the room, and when my slide came up I made a few people jump with the big voice I like using when I talk to crowds.  I think I kept it under a minute and then returned to my musing about how to continue with my design (as well as a conversation I was having with someone back in the US - I don't get many opportunities to chat with people over there, so it was well worth the divided attention).

After that was all done, I went to the shop to throw together a model to test in the site.  I returned to the studio about 4:00 and did a bit of work before meeting with my professor again to go through what I had worked on during the day.  Overall it was productive and I have a direction to go for next week.

Tomorrow I will head down to Town Hall for the first time in a long, long time.  I look forward to doing some work and seeing everyone.  I think the weekend will be pretty low-key.  Still working on getting back to 100%, so I think some rest and a bit of work will be in order!

It is hard to believe I have been here two months.  In theory this almost marks the halfway point, but we will see in the coming weeks how things pan out.


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