Returning to Sydney

We are sitting in the (swanky) Wellington airport waiting to board our plane back to Sydney.  Tiffany is passed out on a couch (she likes her sleep!) while it seems I am managing to block traffic flow with my legs extended out from the wall where I am using the power port – I don’t feel too bad; it is not a main aisle, there are about 27 other options to walk around, and there are only about 25 people here, and I have still left a meter between me and the nearest object… Maybe I’m also a tad extra cynical at 5:00 in the morning (3:00AM in Sydney!).  This is going to be a long day.

We had an indescribably fantastic trip, and I look forward to sharing the pictures in the coming weeks with everyone.  It still amazes me how much ground we covered, the diversity of things we saw, and the sheer amount of time it feels has passed.  Overall, I think it is safe to say we are very happy to be heading back to “normal life” in Sydney.  We will soon be boarding, and I hope the flight is a bit more cooperative than the flight last week to New Zealand.  Regardless, it has been the trip of a lifetime, and I am so glad that we got to see all the things we did.


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