Anzac Day

Today is Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand.  If you have never heard of it, don't worry, neither had I, though please, let me introduce it to you.  It is a public holiday, arguably the most important holiday, as it is the day of remembrance for the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corp) - not unlike our Memorial Day.  The date, April 25, was selected in 1916 to mark the landing of the ANZAC diggers (what they call their soldiers) on the shores of Gallipoli in 1915.  Publicly, the day is marked with sunrise services and a parade through downtown (and downtowns across Australia).

I probably just told you more than most Australians know about the holiday.  It seems, and the Australians are not alone, that things have strayed a long way from the point of the holiday.  In fact, I would say Americans do a better job at marking Memorial Day, with a lot of flag waving and patriotically decorated cookouts.  The general Australian thing to do, from what I have heard, is spend the day in a pub - I will not be partaking.  While they are out drinking today, I hope people think for a moment about those diggers 97 years ago, and all the diggers (that is such an odd word) that have come since to defend the rights of the free world. 

I will take a moment here to call out a specific blog reader, you know who you are.  First of all, thanks for reading - I am glad you are able to keep up with me this way!  Along the lines of Anzac Day, you will be making a big trip soon to go see the WWII Memorial in Washington; I am very, very glad you got this opportunity!  Have a wonderful time, a safe trip, behave yourself (haha), and remember that we love you and appreciate all that you have done for us and the country.

Today I will be finishing up designing an eight storey building that I started while I was sick.  With preliminary presentations, there is a lot to be done!  I'll show off some schemes once things settle down this weekend.

The weather here is beautiful, sunny and in the low 80s - not quite like autumn back in the states.  Hopefully the weather will stay this way through the weekend and I will have some time to get out and enjoy it.


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