A Taste of Summer Vacation

While it is heading toward winter down here and we are still in the midst of the semester, today feels like a mini summer holiday like my friends back in the US are about to enjoy when they wrap up with final exams.
It just so happened that I had two large assignments due this past week.  Monday I turned in my history paper (as I believe I previously mentioned) which left me Tuesday and Wednesday to prep for an architecture review this morning.  I worked in all my free time over those two days, and the phenomenon of two days becoming one occurred, as they tend to in architecture.  For those skittish among you, skip to the next paragraph (mom).  I woke up at 7:30 to go to work Tuesday morning and didn't go to bed until I was done (enough) with my stuff for review.  That just so happened to be 3:30 this morning.  While 44 hours is not even close to my all time Tulane record, it did make for a long day (and a few cups of coffee - blech)!  It was worth it as I got a lot done.

I went in to studio last night and was shocked to find no one there.  I had done all my computer work at home, and it was late when I got there, but I expected there to be a few people around building models or doing other last-minute review prep.  The entire time I was there (three hours or so) only one person came in, and it was only to pick something up.  I know I have said it before, but the divide between work culture (studio culture) here versus the US is astounding to me.

The review got me some good feedback, and I will continue to press on this week.  That being said, I have no major assignments due for the next month,so I took the rest of today as a bit of a break.  The weather the last two days has been quite warm (some might say hot), and this afternoon it brushed 27 (80ish) with strong sun.  It seems that autumn isn't really committed to occuring yet!  I don't mind a bit more summer weather.

Tomorrow I have work and in the evening we are throwing a birthday party for Tiffany - should be fun.


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