The heat of Autumn

Today was a typical Tuesday - lecture in the morning followed by work.  It is hard to believe it is the downhill side of the semester.
The walk to work was sunny and warm - while Sydneysiders claim they have seasons, it seems there are only varying degrees of temperateness with a few sporadic snaps of hot in the summer and cool (never cold) in the winter.  It got up to 25 or so today (pushing 80) and was definitely pretty toasty in the sun.

I started the workday with a neat little presentation given by a co-worker (Mike) and one of his friends visiting from Afghanistan.  Originally from Adelaide (where she knew my Mike from), she has been working as a contractor in Kabul for the last three years.  They shared pictures of Mike and his wife's visit last year and talked about Kabul - it was very interesting to see the pictures and how derelict the "city" is.

After the "brown bag" session (called such as it is during lunchtime - apparently they do this from time to time when someone has something interesting to share) I worked at the computer for the rest of the day finishing up some projects and starting some new ones.

On the walk home this evening I stopped by Coles at Broadway to do some grocery shopping.  I bought heaps of fruit and veg in preparation for a massive salad for lunch tomorrow (I have been craving salad).  Additionally (because I have been wanting to try it since I got here and haven't gotten around to it), I bought some kangaroo kebabs (pronounced ki-bahb in Australia) to cook and put on top of the salad.  I will report on it tomorrow.

Tonight Hannah and I polished off the brisket from Passover and we all sat around for a bit watching some tv.  Just doing some work now and getting ready for various things on tab for tomorrow - my day off (until class at 4:00).


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