A Bit Less Class

According to the schedule from the University, architecture studio starts at 9:00.  So, I show up at 9:00 on Thursday morning, as I think I am supposed to, and encounter an empty studio.  This has happened a bit before, but usually there is an e-mail saying that class will start at 9:30 or 10:00.  Well, when it happened today without an explanatory e-mail, when people sauntered in around 10:00, I asked.  Turns out that there is a generally accepted rule that studio starts some time around or after 10:00.  While I know we tend to wander out of studio back in the US, it still surprises me the softness of time in Australia.  I suppose I should stop being surprised by this.

That being said, I had a productive day in studio (I got an extra hour of work in, after all) and had a nice lunch break catching up with Tiffany.  Things didn't improve as regards the home front (or back, I suppose), and it looks like we will be losing Hannah this weekend...  They have said the work will take five weeks, so we will see how things go.

Other than that, no new news.  Work in the morning, a Friday night with the group that I haven't gotten to see in a long while thanks to holidays (in the British/Australian sense - vacation) and illness, and then a chockablock weekend of work to finish my history essay (due Monday) and get ready for mid-review (stuff due Wednesday).


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