Arrived In Cairns

We are settling into our hotel in Cairns after finding dinner down on the Esplanade – the main drag along the coast (and only drag in Cairns).
This morning I went into studio early to get some work done.  From 7:45 to 9:30 or so I was the only one around.  At 11:00 or so I met with Paul, my professor, and went through the developments in my design since review last week.  I headed back to the house before noon and finished my packing as Rebecca and Jason finished up theirs.  We met Tiffany over at Manning for an AUJS sausage sizzle before heading back to my place, grabbing our stuff, and catching a cab on King Street to the airport.

We didn’t have to wait for too terribly long at the airport before boarding our flight.  The flight took about three hours (there was a bit of sleeping, a bit of reading, and a fair amount of eating) and was uneventful.  We landed early and caught a cab straight to our hotel to check in at about 6:30.  From there, it was a short walk along the coast to find a dozen restaurants or so.  Splash caught our eye, and I enjoyed a tuna nicoise salad.
My tuna nicoise salad.
We’re calling it an early night as we have to be up at around 6:00 for our first excursion in Queensland.


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