Undeclared Imports

I have some imports that I did not declare at the border.  However, they will undoubtedly be declared repeatedly over the next few months until my mind finally reverts back to American English.  Until then, those around me will be treated to some interesting, sometimes unintentional, Australian English peppered into my speech.
Words which I intend to hold onto, as I enjoy them include:

________ as - using any adjective and making it be very
________ week - insert a day and you have effectively said next
brekkie - but can you blame me? it's so much fun to say
dodgy - another way to say sketchy, just to mix things up a bit
full on - how else do you describe that sentiment?
good on ya / him / her - it's a nice pleasantry
grog - liquor
partner - in all contexts... inclusive language, go Australia for being progressive
pissed - intoxicated
pot - small glass of beer
rug up - wear layers
snag  - sausage, but said in a more fun way
spew - to bring the insides out, so to speak
ta - thanks, bye
whinge - why say 'whine' when you can say 'whinge'?

The list does not include 'no worries' due to the fact that I said that long before I went to Australia...

I also forewarn you that I will be saying 'How are you going?' for some time - it wasn't something that I picked up quickly, and I bet it will be slow to go away. Bear with me, and just drop the 'going' in your mind.


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