
I am through security and waiting to board my plane for LAX.

I woke up at 6:30 and got everything in order to leave.  Amanda, Candice, and Kylie all got up and ready (enough) to load up the car and drive over to the airport, getting me here by 7:10.  After dropping my two checked bags off (22.3kg - 49.2lbs and 22.9kg - 50.5lbs), which could not have been any heavier, I lugged my 40lb carry-on (by far the heaviest carry-on I have ever packed in my life) and my 20lb book bag (I claim it as a personal item), along with two jackets and my roll of architectural drawings from the semester, through security.

At this point, now that I have made it to the gate and don't need to worry about the weight of my bags, etc. I am ready to get on the plane (though not ready to leave Australia!).

To say I am going to miss this place is an understatement, but I know I will be back.  Until then, I have left 'the house' with a little reminder of their American friend sitting above the fireplace.

A picture on the mantel.


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