All Good Things Must Come to an End

Thank you, loyal reader, for sticking with me through 169 blog posts, covering my 156 (158 if you include travel) days in Australia.
In the course of five months and five days, spanning from the 26 of February to the 1 August, I covered a lot of ground, met some incredible people, made some fantastic trips, and had many experiences I will not soon forget.

In Australia I visited nine distinct metropolitan areas:
  • Cairns
  • Canberra
  • Chillagoe - representative of the Outback towns of FNQ
  • Katoomba - representative of towns in the Blue Mountains
  • Kuranda
  • Melbourne
  • Newcastle
  • Sydney
  • Yulara - associated with Uluru Kata-Tjuta National Park
Those cities were in five of eight states / territories:
  • ACT (Australian Capital Territory)
  • New South Wales
  • Northern Territory
  • Queensland
  • Victoria
In New Zealand I visited six distinct metropolitan areas:
  • Auckland
  • Matamata
  • Napier
  • Rotorua
  • Taupo
  • Wellington
In my travels I took twelve flights, two long distance coach rides, and made seven inter-city car rides/drives.

February was characterised by my arrival into Australia.

March was spent making friends, beginning Uni classes, starting my internship, and exploring Sydney on foot.

April included a trip to New Zealand where I got to drive on the left for a few days, as well as a trip to hospital in Australia.

May saw Rebecca and Jason's visit, including a trip up to Queensland to see the Daintree Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef.

June marked the end of classes, my final review and exam, a trip to Uluru, my transition from 'Intern' to full-time 'Urban Designer', and a weekend trip to Canberra.

July was meant to be when I returned Stateside, but instead I worked, celebrated my 22nd birthday, hit many sites in Sydney I had been meaning to get to, and took a trip to Melbourne for a long weekend.

August involved saying bye to good friends made over the last five months and flying back across the Pacific to return to the northern hemisphere (and summer).

Through it all, I blogged about my experiences and took and labeled many, many photos to share.  I hope you all enjoyed the blog and photos as much as I enjoyed sharing the trip with y'all.  It has been great to see the response; in July alone the blog topped 1000 hits.  In total, over the past five months, the blog has been viewed more than 3600 times!

As I know that for many of you, this is the most communication that you have ever had from me, I plan to start a new blog to keep family and friends better abreast of what is going on in my life as I head into my last year of University.  While I will not be posting everyday, I will try to post at least weekly to update on different things I have been doing.

Once again, thank you for reading and enjoying the blog.  It has been my pleasure to write it.  All the best.



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