Well, This is a First

I write today, not because I am traveling, but because I am not traveling. In fact, this is the first time in five years that I find myself in America today... While the realities of working life have resulted in a departure from what had become the norm, I know that I had a really good run — and one that was truthfully unexpected. While it doesn't look like I will be leaving the country this year, I wanted to take the opportunity to think back a bit on the last few years.

The first picture I took of the Opera House on my first day in Sydney in 2012.
Back in 2012, I was in Sydney, settling back in from a weekend trip down to Canberra. By this point in the year I had been there for more than four months and had made the transition from Uni student to full-time employee with the City of Sydney.

Standing with Lord Mayor of Sydney and MP Clover Moore back in 2012.
In 2013 I found myself in Gold Coast, attending my first SAHANZ conference after having spoken at my first architectural conference in Brisbane.

Looking toward the high-rises in Surfers Paradise from Burleigh Heads in Gold Coast in 2013.
Thanks to my experience at SAHANZ the previous year, I found myself in Auckland in 2014, speaking at the conference before heading south to road trip through Tasmania. I still remember the Maori song we learned at that conference...

Auckland from Queens Wharf, while taking a break from SAHANZ 2014.
Finally, last year, I found myself in Tokyo, exploring with my friend Rochelle for a week before heading to Brisbane for a few days and then back "home" to Sydney.

Exploring Shibuya in the rain during my week in Tokyo in 2015.
While I miss the weather, the travel, the laid back atmosphere of Oz, the Tim Tams, and morning and afternoon tea breaks at work (with milk provided by the liter in the fridge), what I miss most are the people.

Through it all, I have been so lucky to have incredible experiences and make friends that still mean very much to me today. And while I won't be getting to see all of them this year, nor celebrating my birthday with my Australian "family," I know that I will be back soon enough.


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